Acupuncture is the best known healing
method in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is
practiced for over 2000 years, in special
cases it can be combined with moxibustion, a
warming therapy by using mugwort (bot.)
In Chinese medicine acupuncture points are
called "Shu Xue" (transport points) or "Qi
Xue" (caves of Qi).By stimulating this points,
the bodies self healing forces are activated
and by this way the energies are balanced. In
special cases the points can be heated with
Both techniques are so closely linked that in
Chinese language they are described by just
using one word for both: "Zhenjiu" (which
means stinging and burning).
In most cases the points are located along
the so-called meridian system, which forms
an invisible network of channels spreading
throughout the entire human body.
Laser acupuncture is an alternative to
acupuncture with needles. With this therapy
the points are stimulated with a soft laser,
which is tuned to a frequency close to that of
infrared light.
© Dr. Nina Essl-Perl