Supporting- and musculoskeletal system Back and neck pain (cervical and lumbar spine syndrome - lumbago), joint pain (knee, hip, elbow), arthralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome Neurological disorders Headache, sleep disorders, facial paralysis, neuralgia, migraine Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat disorders) Cold, sinusitis, tinnitus, as concomitant therapy with sudden deafness Respiratory diseases Asthma, bronchial disorders, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis Cardiovascular diseases Hypotension, as concomitant therapy with hypertension Gastrointestinal disorders As concomitant therapy with indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, gastritis, reflux disease Mental and psychosomatic disorders Sleep disorders, exhaustion, as concomitant therapy with depression and smoking cure Urologic Diseases As concomitant therapy with irritable bladder, urinary incontinence, recurrent bladder infections Gynaecology Premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstrual cylcle, menopausal symptoms, birth preparation Skin disorders Neurodermatitis, Acne
DOWNLOADS For more information about the actual effects and application areas, please see the Info-Folders: Folder Acupuncture (pdf, 248 kb) Folder Herbal Medicine (pdf, 221 kb)
© Dr. Nina Essl-Perl
General & Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner


Supporting- and musculoskeletal system Back and neck pain (cervical and lumbar spine syndrome - lumbago), joint pain (knee, hip, elbow), arthralgia, carpal tunnel syndrome Neurological disorders Headache, sleep disorders, facial paralysis, neuralgia, migraine Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat disorders) Cold, sinusitis, tinnitus, as concomitant therapy with sudden deafness Respiratory diseases Asthma, bronchial disorders, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis Cardiovascular diseases Hypotension, as concomitant therapy with hypertension Gastrointestinal disorders As concomitant therapy with indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, gastritis, reflux disease Mental and psychosomatic disorders Sleep disorders, exhaustion, as concomitant therapy with depression and smoking cure Urologic Diseases As concomitant therapy with irritable bladder, urinary incontinence, recurrent bladder infections Gynaecology Premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhoea, irregular menstrual cylcle, menopausal symptoms, birth preparation Skin disorders Neurodermatitis, Acne
© Dr. Nina Essl-Perl